We Provide Best Education
Pioneer Montessori Schools stand for Perfection, innovation, open mindedness, nationalism, education and excellence and rejuvenation.
The strength for following the dreams comes from our six decades of rich experience, pride of producing achievers and motivation of utilising education as means to transform the society. In these days when strong winds of erosive culture are sweeping pillars of our moral and social values, P.M.S. lends strength to social and family fabric by blending the right values in education. We believe that we must adopt what is good in other cultures but should not be swept off our feet.
Our Vision
The strength for following the dreams comes from our six decades of rich experience & pride of producing achievers.
Our Mission
The P.M.S. has been a true pioneer in providing quality education and has stood as a lighthouse.

Founder's Message
वर्ष 1963 में 2 छात्रों से शुरू किया गया पायनियर मोंटेसरी स्कूल 56 वर्ष का सफ़र तय करते हुए वर्ष 2020 में अपने 57 वें वर्ष में प्रवेश कर रहा है। अपने अभिभावकों के स्नेह, विश्वास एवं समस्त शिक्षक-शिक्षिकाओं व अन्य स्टाफ की मेहनत व लगन से वर्ष 1963 में नन्हें से पौधे के रूप में रोपा गया पायनियर मोंटेसरी स्कूल आज पीएमएस डिग्री कॉलेज तक का सफ़र तय कर चुका है।
Late Shri Puran Singh
(12th September 1935 - 31st August 2015)
Manager's Message
Quality education is the foundation of a bright future for the entire nation. The Pioneer Montessori School has been a true pioneer in providing quality education and has been imparting the same for nearly six decades. Came into inception in the year 1963 with just two students, the Pioneer Montessori School has today branched out into a full-fledged degree college. The school has branches across the state, approved and affiliated by CBSE, ICSE and UP boards. Pioneer Montessori School has been fully committed to holistic development of its students.
Er. Brajendra Singh